paw značenje | engleski leksikon

paw značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / pɒ /

Množina: paws


ETYM Old Eng. pawe, poue, Old Fren. poe: cf. patte, lg. pote, Dutch poot, German pfote.
1. The foot of a quadruped (as a lion or dog) that has claws; broadly; the foot of an animal.
2. A human hand especially when large or clumsy.
3. A clawed foot of an animal especially a quadruped.

hand · manus · mit
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srpski · nemački · francuski

paw značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / pɒ /

1. To scrape with the paws
2. To touch clumsily

Prevedi paw na:

srpski · nemački · francuski

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