PPPoE značenje | engleski leksikon

PPPoE značenje | engleski leksikon



Acronym for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. A specification for connecting users on an Ethernet network to the Internet through a broadband connection, such as a single DSL line, wireless device, or cable modem. Using PPPoE and a broadband modem, LAN users can gain individual authenticated access to high-speed data networks. By combining Ethernet and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), PPPoE provides Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with the ability to manipulate a limited number of IP addresses by assigning an address only when the user is connected to the Internet. PPPoE is an efficient way to create a separate connection for each user to a remote server. When the Internet connection is broken, the IP address becomes available to be assigned to another user.

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P | P'u-i | P2 | P5 | Pa | PAH | Pah! | Paia | Pau | paw | pay | pe | pea | pee | PEI | pew | pi | pia | Piauí | pie | PII | PIO | piů | Po | PO2 | Poa | POE | poi | Pooh! | pooh ! | pow | powwow | PP | PPI | PPO | PPP | Pu | puy | pw | py

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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