intonation značenje | engleski leksikon

intonation značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ɪntəneɪʃn̩ /

Množina: intonations


1. Rise and fall of the voice pitch; SYN. pitch contour.
2. The act of singing in a monotonous tone; SYN. chanting.

chanting · modulation · pitch contour
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intonation značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ɪntəneɪʃn̩ /

Množina: intonations


In music, the means by which a performer maintains correct tuning. Pitch accuracy requires continuous slight adjustments of pitch in those instruments for which it is feasible. For orchestral violins, violas, cellos, and double basses, pitch is adjustable by finger positioning (instruments losing pitch as a result of atmospheric conditions are retuned between movements). Woodwind instruments are of relatively fixed pitch, but a note may “bend” using a combination of finger and breath technique, or be shifted microtonally by adopting a different fingering. Trumpets are equipped with a tuning slide, controlled by the little finger; horns can be modified in pitch by inserting the left hand into the bell.

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intonation značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ɪntəneɪʃn̩ /

Množina: intonations


The manner of sounding words; the modulation the voice makes to add a particular significance to a word.

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