halo značenje | engleski leksikon

halo značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / heɪloʊ /

1. Salt
2. Halogen

halo značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / heɪloʊ /

Množina: halos


ETYM Latin halos, acc. halo, Greek alos a thrashing floor, also (from its round shape) the disk of the sun or moon, and later a halo round it; cf. Greek eilyein to enfold, elyein to roll round, Latin volvere, and Eng. voluble.
A circle of light around the sun or moon.

anchor rin · annulus · anulus · aura · aureole · doughnut · gloriol · glory · nimbus · ring + prikaži više
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Reč dana 06.12.2024.

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