goody značenje | engleski leksikon

goody značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ɡʊdi /

Množina: goodies


1. Something that is particularly attractive, pleasurable, good, or desirable
2. (chiefly British) One that is good; especially; an opponent of the villain (as in a motion picture)

dainty · delicacy · kickshaw · treat
Prevedi goody na:

srpski · nemački

Još sličnih reči

gad | Gad! | gaddi | Gaeta | gaiety | gait | gat | gata | gate | gateau | GATT | gaud | Gaudí | gaudy | Gd | GDI | go at | go it | go out | go to | go-to | goad | goat | goatee | god | Godoy | good | goodie | got | GOTO | gouda | Goudy | gout | gouty | Gowda | gt | gtt | GUID | guide | Guido | gut | gutta | gutty

Reč dana 26.01.2025.

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