ETYM French exprčs, Latin expressus, p. p. of exprimere to express; ex. out + premere To press. Related to Press.
1. Fast and direct and usually nonstop.
2. Not tacit or implied.
By express.
Množina: expresses
ETYM Cf. French exprčs a messenger.
1. A bus that makes a limited number of pre-scheduled stops; SYN. express bus.
2. A fast train that stops at only a few of the intermediate stations; SYN. express train.
3. Mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system; SYN. express mail.
4. Rapid transport of goods; SYN. expressage.
1. To articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; SYN. utter, give tongue to.
2. To give expression to; SYN. show, evince.
3. To indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.; SYN. state.