Množina: drills
Durable twilled cotton.
Množina: drills
1. A rotating drill powered by an electric motor; SYN. electric drill.
2. A tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated blows).
3. Similar to the mandrill but smaller and less brightly colored; SYN. Mandrillus leucophaeus.
Množina: drills
1. Large Old World monkey Mandrillus leucophaeus similar to a baboon and in the same genus as the mandrill. Drills live in the forests of Cameroon and Nigeria. Brownish-coated, black-faced, and stoutly built, with a very short tail, the male can have a head and body up to 75 cm/2.5 ft long, although females are much smaller.
2. A marine snail (Urosalpinx cinerea) destructive to oysters by boring through their shells and feeding on the soft parts.
3. Any of several mollusks related to the drill.
Množina: drills
In military usage, the repetition of certain fixed movements in response to set commands. Drill is used to get a body of soldiers from one place to another in an orderly fashion, and for parades and ceremonial purposes.
Training in marching and the use of weapons; SYN. military drill.
Any exercise for learning based on rote repetition; SYN. exercise.
Množina: drills
1. A shallow furrow or trench into which seed is sown.
2. A row of seed sown in such a furrow.
3. A planting implement that makes holes or furrows, drops in the seed and sometimes fertilizer, and covers them with earth.
1. To learn by repetition; SYN. exercise, practice, practise.
2. To teach by repetition.
3. To train in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons.
4. To undergo military training or do military exercises.
5. To perforate, as with a drill.