creep značenje | engleski leksikon

creep značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / kriːp /

Množina: creeps


In civil and mechanical engineering, the property of a solid, typically a metal, under continuous stress that causes it to deform below its yield point (the point at which any elastic solid normally stretches without any increase in load or stress). Lead, tin, and zinc, for example, exhibit creep at ordinary temperatures, as seen in the movement of the lead sheeting on the roofs of old buildings.
Copper, iron, nickel, and their alloys also show creep at high temperatures.
1. A pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot.
2. A slow longitudinal movement or deformation.
3. Someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric; SYN. weirdo, weirdie, weirdy, spook, schmuck.
The time-dependent permanent deformation that occurs under stress; for most materials it is important only at elevated temperatures.

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creep značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ˈkriːp /

(Irregular preterit, past participle: crept).

cower · crawl · cringe · fawn · grovel · grow over · mouse · pussyfoot · sneak · sneak away · sneak out + prikaži više
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Još sličnih reči

carp | Carpio | carry up | corp | CORPA | crap | crape | crappie | crappy | crapy | creepie | creepy | crepe | crepey | crip | crop | croppie | croppy | croup | croupe | croupy | CRP | cry up

Reč dana 06.02.2025.

imenica, životinja
muški rod, anatomija
ženski rod, mitologija
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