Wren značenje | engleski leksikon

Wren značenje | engleski leksikon


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(1632-1723) English architect. His ingenious use of a refined and sober Baroque style can be seen in his best-known work, St Paul's Cathedral, London, 1675–1710, and in the many churches he built in London including St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, 1670–77 and St Bride's, Fleet Street, 1671–78. Other works include the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, 1664–69; Greenwich Hospital, London, begun 1694; and Marlborough House, London, 1709–10 (now much altered).
Wren studied mathematics, and in 1660 became a professor of astronomy at Oxford University. His opportunity as an architect came after the Great Fire of London 1666. He prepared a plan for rebuilding the city on Classical lines, incorporating piazzas and broad avenues, but it was not adopted. Instead, Wren was commissioned to rebuild St Paul's Cathedral and 51 City churches, showing great skill both in varying the designs and in fitting his buildings into the irregular sites of the destroyed churches. The west towers of Westminster Abbey, often attributed to him, were the design of his pupil Nicholas Hawksmoor.

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wren značenje | engleski leksikon


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Množina: wrens


ETYM Old Eng. wrenne, AS. wrenna, wraenna, perhaps akin to wraene lascivious.
And of several small active brown birds of the northern hemisphe
re with short upright tails; they feed on insects; SYN. jenny wren.
Any of a family (Troglodytidae) of small birds of order Passeriformes, with slender, slightly curved bills, and uptilted tails.
The house wren of North America Troglodytes aedon is common in brush, farmyard, and park.

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Sir Christopher Wren · Wren · jenny wren
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Wren značenje | engleski leksikon


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Village in Ohio (USA).

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Reč dana 20.09.2024.
