Trumbull značenje | engleski leksikon

Trumbull značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / trəmbəl /

(1756-1843) American artist. He was known for his series of historical paintings of war scenes from the American revolution (1775–83), the most famous of which was his depiction of the signing of the Declaration of Independence 1776.
Born in Lebanon, Connecticut, the son of Governor Jonathan Trumbull, he was educated at Harvard University and saw action during the American Revolution. In 1780 he traveled to England to study art with Benjamin West and was briefly imprisoned for espionage, returning to the US 1789. From 1793 to 1804 he undertook diplomatic assignments in England. He later served as president of the American Academy of Fine Arts 1817–36.

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Trumbull značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / trəmbəl /

1. Unincorporated community in Connecticut (USA).
2. Village in Nebraska (USA); zip code 68980.

John Trumbull · Jonathan Trumbull · Trumbull

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