mullah značenje | engleski leksikon

mullah značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / mʌlə /

Množina: mullahs


A Muslim trained in the doctrine and law of Islam; the head of a mosque; Also called: Mollah, Mulla.
Islamic teacher of law and theology.
(Arabic “master”) A teacher, scholar, or religious leader of Islam. It is also a title of respect given to various other dignitaries who perform duties connected with the sacred law.

Mollah · Mulla · Mullah
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.mil | Maalaea | mail | maile | Maili | Mal | Malay | male | maleo | Mali | mall | Malle | mallee | mallow | malo | Maloy | maul | Mayyali | meal | mealie | mealy | mel | melee | meli | Melia | mell | mellow | mewl | miaul | mil | mile | milieu | mill | Millay | mille | milleu | milli | milo | ml | MLA | Mlle | MLW | moil | mol | mole | Moley | moll | mollie | molly | moly | moola | moolah | mouillé | Moyle | mule | muley | Mull | mulley | Mylae

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