major značenje | engleski leksikon

major značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / meɪdʒər /

1. Of greater importance or stature or rank
2. Of greater seriousness or danger
3. Greater in number or size or amoun
4. Greater in scope or effect
5. Of the field of academic study in which one concentrates or specializes
6. (Music) Of a scale or mode
7. (Law) Of full legal age
8. (British) Of the elder of two boys with the same family name

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Major značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / meɪdʒər /

(1943-) British Conservative politician, prime minister from 1990.
He was foreign secretary 1989 and chancellor of the Exchequer 1989–90. His initial positive approach to European Community matters was hindered from 1991 by divisions within the Conservative Party. Despite continuing public dissatisfaction with the poll ta
x, the National Health Service, and the recession, Major was returned to power in the April 1992 general election. His subsequent handling of a series of domestic crises called into question his ability to govern the country effectively, but he won backing for his launch of a joint UK-Irish peace initiative on Northern Ireland 1993, which led to a general cease-fire 1994. On the domestic front, local and European election defeats and continuing divisions within the Conservative Party led to his dramatic and unexpected resignation of the party leadership June 1995 in a desperate bid for party unity. He was narrowly reelected to the post the following month.

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major značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / meɪdʒər /

Množina: majors


ETYM French major. Related to Major.
1. A commissioned military officer in the us Army or Air Force or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain.
2. A field of study at college or university.

John Major · John R. Major · John Roy Major · Major
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major značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / meɪdʒər /

To have as one's principal field of study

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