Henry III značenje | engleski leksikon

Henry III značenje | engleski leksikon

Henry III

muški rodlično ime
IPA: / ˈhenri θriː /

(1551-1589) King of France from 1574. He fought both the Huguenots (headed by his successor, Henry of Navarre) and the Catholic League (headed by the third Duke of Guise). Guise expelled Henry from Paris 1588 but was assassinated. Henry allied with the Huguenots under Henry of Navarre to besiege the city, but was assassinated by a monk.(1207-1272) King of England from 1216, when he succeeded John, but he did not rule until 1227. His financial commitments to the papacy and his foreign favorites led to de Montfort's revolt 1264. Henry was defeated at Lewes, Sussex, and imprisoned. He was restored to the throne after the royalist victory at Evesham 1265. He was succeeded by his son Edward I.
The royal powers were exercised by a regency until 1232 and by two French nobles, Peter des Roches and Peter des Rivaux, until the barons forced their expulsion 1234, marking the start of Henry's personal rule. While he was in prison, de Montfort ruled in his name. On his release Henry was weak and senile and his eldest son, Edward, took charge of the government.

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Henry III značenje | engleski leksikon

Henry III

IPA: / ˈhenri θriː /

Množina: Henry IIIs


(1207-1272) Son of King John and King of England from 1216 to 1272; his incompetence led to baronial opposition led by Simon de Montfort.

Henry III

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hennery | Henri | Henry | Henry I | Henry II | Henry III | Hoenir | Honiara | honor | honoree | honour

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