Harding značenje | engleski leksikon

Harding značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / hɑːrdɪŋ /

G(amaliel) (1865-1923) 29th president of the US 1921–23, a Republican whose administration was known for its corruption. Harding entered the US Senate in 1914. As president he concluded the peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary, and in the same year called the Washington Conference. He opposed US membership in the League of Nations, thus reinforcing the traditional US position of neutrality. There were charges of corruption among members of his cabinet (the Teapot Dome Scandal), and Harding generally turned a benign eye to the activities of his close associates.
Harding was born in Corsica, Ohio, and graduated from Ohio Central College 1882. Before entering politics, he was a newspaper editor and publisher. He was an Ohio state senator 1898–1904 and lieutenant governor 1904–05. During his presidential administration, the various treaties stemming from the Washington Conference, providing for naval disarmament, and ostensibly stabilizing international relations among the great power signatories, were considered at the time a diplomatic coup for the US and Harding. He died in office shortly after undeniable evidence of corruption in his administration began to surface.
He was succeeded by Calvin Coolidge.

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Harding značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / hɑːrdɪŋ /

(Allan Francis) 1st Baron Harding of Petherton (1896-1989)
British field marshal. During World War II he was Chief of Staff in Egypt 1940 and Italy 1944. As governor of Cyprus 1955–57, during the period of political agitation prior to independence 1960, he was responsible for the deportation of Makarios III from Cyprus 1955.

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Harding značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / hɑːrdɪŋ /

29th President of the United States; two of his appointees were involved in the Teapot Dome scandal (1865-1823).

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Harding značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / hɑːrdɪŋ /

City in Minnesota (USA).

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