Evans značenje | engleski leksikon

Evans značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / evənz /

(1888-1976) English character actress. She performed on the London stage and on Broadway. Her many imposing performances include the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet (first performed 1926); her film roles include Lady Bracknell in Wilde’s comedy The Importance of Being Earnest 1952. Among her other films are Tom Jones 1963 and Crooks and Coronets 1969.

Evans značenje | engleski leksikon


ženski rodlično ime
IPA: / evənz /

(1881-1975) US microbiologist whose research into the bacterial contamination of milk led to the recognition of the danger of unpasteurized milk. As a result of her research the incidence of brucellosis was greatly reduced when the dairy industry accepted that all milk should be pasteurized.
Evans was born in Neath,
Pennsylvania, and studied at Cornell University and the University of Wisconsin, after which she took a research post at the US Department of Agriculture studying the bacteriology of milk and cheese. In 1918 she moved to the Hygienic Laboratories of the United States Public Health Service to research into epidemic meningitis and influenza as well as milk flora.
Brucellosis in humans and cattle had been thought to be two separate diseases until Evans published her findings 1918. Her results were later confirmed by other scientists, though it was not until the 1930s that the dairy industry accepted that all milk should be pasteurized.

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Evans značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / evənz /

(1903-1975) US photographer. He is best known for his documentary photographs of people in the rural American South during the Great Depression. Many of his photographs appeared in James Agee’s book Let Us Now Praise Famous Men 1941.
Born in St Louis, Evans was in 1938 the first photographer to have an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. From 1945 to 1965 he served as an associate editor of Fortune magazine, in which he published several photo essays. Throughout his career, he devoted much attention to photographing architecture. He also did a renowned series of photographs of people in the New York City subways.

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Evans značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / evənz /

(1755-1819) US engineer who developed high-pressure steam engines and various machines powered by them. He also pioneered production-line techniques in manufacturing.
Evans was born in Newport, Delaware, and apprenticed to a wagonmaker. In 1780, he joined his two brothers a
t a flour mill in Wilmington, where he helped to build machinery that used water power to drive conveyors and elevators. As a result, one person could operate the whole mill as a single production line.
Evans moved to Philadelphia, where he spent more than ten years unsuccessfully trying to develop a steam carriage. He then turned to stationary steam engines, and built about 50, as well as the Orukter Amphibole, a steam dredger he constructed 1804. It had power-driven rollers as well as a paddle so that it could be moved on land under its own power.

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Evans značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / evənz /

Arthur John (1851-1941) English archeologist. His excavation of Knossos on Crete resulted in the discovery of pre-Phoenician Minoan script and proved the existence of the legendary Minoan civilization.

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Evans značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / evənz /

1. City in Colorado (USA); zip code 80620.
2. Unincorporated community in Georgia (USA).

Arthur Evans · Evans · Herbert McLean Evans · Sir Arthur John Evans
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