crux značenje | engleski leksikon

crux značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / krəks /

Množina: cruxes


ETYM Latin, cross, torture, trouble.
The most important point; SYN. crux of the matter.
1. A puzzling or difficult problem; an unsolved question.
2. An essential point requiring resolution or resolving an outcome.
3. A main or central feature (as of an argument).

Crux · Crux Australis · Southern Cross · crux of the matter
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Crux značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / krəks /

Množina: Cruxes


Constellation of the southern hemisphere, popularly known as the Southern Cross, the smallest of the 88 constellations. Its brightest stars are Alpha Crucis (or Acrux), a double star about 400 light-years from Earth, and Beta Crucis (or Mimosa). Near Beta Crucis lies a glittering star cluster known as the Jewel Box. The constellation also contains the Coalsack, a dark cloud of dust silhouetted against the bright starry background of the Milky Way.

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