Comoros značenje | engleski leksikon

Comoros značenje | engleski leksikon



Group of islands in the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and the east coast of Africa. Three of them—Njazidja, Nzwani, and Mwali—form the republic of Comoros; the fourth island, Mayotte, is a French dependency.
The 1992 constitution provides for a president, elected by universal adult suffrage for a maximum of two five-year terms, and an appointed council of ministers. There is a two-chamber legislature: a 42-member federal assembly elected for a four-year term and a 15-member senate selected by an electoral college for a six-year term.
Each of the four main islands has a high degree of autonomy, with its own elected governor and council for all matters not specifically assigned to the federal government.
Originally inhabited by Asians, Africans, and Indonesians, the Comoros islands were controlled by Muslim sultans until the French acquired them 1841–1909
. The islands became a French colony 1912 and were attached to Madagascar 1914–47, when they were made a French overseas territory. Internal self-government was attained 1961, but full independence was not achieved until 1975 because of Mayotte's reluctance to sever links with France. Although the Comoros joined the United Nations 1975, with Ahmed Abdallah as president, Mayotte remained under French administration. Relations with France deteriorated as Ali Soilih, who had overthrown Abdallah, became more powerful as president under a new constitution. In 1978 he was killed by French mercenaries working for Abdallah. Abdallah's use of mercenaries in his return to power led to the Comoros' expulsion from the Organization of African Unity.
one-party state
A federal Islamic republic was proclaimed, a new constitution adopted, and Abdallah reconfirmed as president in an election where he was the only candidate. Diplomatic relations with France were restored. In 1979 the Comoros became a one-party state, and government powers were increased. In the same year a plot to overthrow Abdallah was foiled. In 1984 he was reelected president, and in the following year the constitution was amended, abolishing the post of prime minister and making Abdallah head of government as well as head of state.
In Nov 1989 Abdallah was assassinated during an attack on the presidential palace led by a French mercenary, Col Bob Denard. Denard was subsequently arrested by French army units and returned to France. A provisional military administration was set up, with Said Mohammad Djohar as interim president. Attempted antigovernment coups were foiled 1990 and 1992. A general election Jan 1993 proved inconclusive but in assembly elections Dec 1993 Djohar's supporters won an overall majority.
A country on the Comoro Islands.

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Comoros · Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros
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