Como značenje | engleski leksikon

Como značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / komoʊ /

1. Town in Mississippi (USA); zip code 38619.
2. Town in North Carolina (USA); zip code 27818.
3. Town in Texas (USA); zip code 75431.
4. Unin
corporated community in Wisconsin (USA).
City in Lombardy, Italy, on Lake Como at the foot of the Alps; Motorcycles, glass, silk, and furniture are produced here. The river Adda flows N–S through the lake, and the shores are extremely beautiful. Como has a marble cathedral, built 1396–1732, and is a tourist resort.

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.com | cam | camaďeu | came | cameo | camo | Camuy | cm | cm2 | cm3 | CMA | CMEA | CMI | CMY | Coamo | com | COM1 | COM2 | COM3 | coma | comae | come | comm | comma | commie | commo | coom | coomy | cum | Cumae | cwm

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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