com značenje | engleski leksikon

com značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / kɑːm /

1 comedy; comic
2 comma
3 commercial organization

.com značenje | engleski leksikon



In the Internet’s Domain Name System, the top-level domain that identifies addresses operated by commercial organizations. The domain name .com appears as a suffix at the end of the address. See also DNS (definition 1), domain (definition 3). Compare .edu, .gov, .mil, .net, .org.
2. In MS-DOS, the file extension that identifies a command file. See also COM (definition 3).

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COM značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / kɑːm /

Množina: COMs


Acronym for computer output on microfilm/microfiche.
Component Object Model, from Microsoft. COM is a language independent sofware component model designed by Microsoft to enable interaction between software components and applications. Microsoft extends this technology with ActiveX, which is primariliy used for Internet development.
The key aspect of COM is that it enables communication between components, between applications, and between clients and servers through clearly defined interfaces. Interfaces provide a way for clients to ask a COM component which featur
es it supports at runtime.
1. A name reserved by the MS-DOS operating system for serial communications ports. For example, if a modem is connected to one serial port and a serial printer to another, the devices are identified as COM1 and COM2 by the operating system. 2. Acronym for Component Object Model. A specification developed by Microsoft for building software components that can be assembled into programs or add functionality to existing programs running on Microsoft Windows platforms. COM components can be written in a variety of languages, although most are written in C++, and can be unplugged from a program at runtime without having to recompile the program. COM is the foundation of the OLE (object linking and embedding), ActiveX, and DirectX specifications. See also ActiveX, component (definition.
2), DirectX, OLE.
3. The extension reserved by MS-DOS for a type of executable binary (program) file limited to a single 64-kilobyte (KB) segment. COM files are often used for utility programs and short routines. They are not supported in OS/2. 4. Acronym for computer-output microfilm. Microfilm that can record data from a computer.

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