Colombo značenje | engleski leksikon

Colombo značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / kələmboʊ /

(c. 1516-1559) Italian anatomist who discovered pulmonary circulation, the process of blood circulating from the heart to the lungs and back.
This showed that Galen's teachings were wrong, and was of help to William Harvey in his work on the heart and circulation. Colombo was a pupil of Andreas Vesalius and became his successor at the University of Padua.

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Colombo značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / kələmboʊ /

(1930-1971) Italian industrial designer. He was a member of the postwar generation of designers who created a sophisticated, sculptural style for banal industrial goods. He is best known for his plastic chairs designed for Kartell, notable among them his “Chair 4860” 1965 which brought a new respectability to the material.
Colombo moved from a background in fine art into design 1955. Based in Milan, he designed many other furniture pieces and domestic appliances with the same rigorous style, among them his “Poker” card table 1968 and his air conditioner for Candy 1970, for a wide range of manufacturers. He was placed among the most innovative designers of his generation.

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Colombo značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / kələmboʊ /

The capital and largest city of Sri Lanka; one of the largest harbors in the world; located on the western coast of the island; Also called: capital of Sri Lanka.
Capital and principal seaport of Sri Lanka, on the west
coast near the mouth of the Kelani River; Greater Colombo about 1,000,000. It trades in tea, rubber, and cacao. It has iron- and steelworks and an oil refinery.
Colombo was mentioned as Kalambu about 1340, but the Portuguese renamed it in honor of the explorer Christopher Columbus. The Dutch seized it 1656 and surrendered it to Britain 1796. Since 1983 the chief government offices have been located at nearby Sri-Jayawardenapura, E of the city.

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Colombo · capital of Sri Lanka

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