CD4 značenje | engleski leksikon

CD4 značenje | engleski leksikon



Množina: CD4s


A large glycoprotein that is found on the surface especially of helper T cells, that is the receptor for HIV, and that usually functions to facilitate recognition of antigens by helper T cells

CD4 · cluster of differentiation 4

Još sličnih reči

C.O.D | cad | CADD | caddaw | caddie | Caddo | caddy | cade | cadeau | cadee | cadew | cadi | cadie | cady | caid | caida | cat | cata | Catańo | cate | Cato | Catt | catty | cauda | cd | CD-E | CD-I | CDD | CDE | CDU | CDW | co-ed | coat | coatee | coati | cod | coda | code | Cody | coed | coit | cooed | coot | Coote | cootie | cot | cote | coteau | cotta | Coty | coudé | CT | CTI | CTO | cud | Cudahy | cuddie | cuddy | cut | cute | cutey | cutie | cutty | cwt

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

pridev, medicina
muški rod, sport
imenica, geografija
muški rod, mehanika