Boxer značenje | engleski leksikon

boxer značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / bɑːksər /

Množina: boxers


ETYM or Sword.
1. A breed of stocky medium-sized short-haired dog with a brindled coat and square-jawed muzzle developed in Germany.
2. Someone who fights with his fists for sport; SYN. pugilist.

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boxer značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / bɑːksər /

Množina: boxers


Breed of dog, about 60 cm/24 in tall, with a smooth coat and a set-back nose. The tail is usually docked. A boxer is usually brown, often with white markings, but may be fawn or brindled.
Any of a German breed of compact medium-sized dogs with a short usually fawn or brindled coat.

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Boxer značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / bɑːksər /

Množina: Boxers


A member of a Chinese secret society that in 1900 attempted by violence to drive foreigners out of China and to force Chinese converts to renounce Christianity.
Member of the I ho ch’üan (“Righteou
s Harmonious Fists”), a society of Chinese nationalists dedicated to fighting European influence. The Boxer Rebellion or Uprising 1900 was instigated by the empress Zi Xi. European and US legations in Beijing were besieged and thousands of Chinese Christian converts and missionaries murdered. An international punitive force was dispatched, Beijing was captured 14 Aug 1900, and China agreed to pay a large indemnity.

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