Benton značenje | engleski leksikon

Benton značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / bentən /

US political leader. He was elected to the US Senate 1820, where he served for the next 30 years. He distinguished himself as an outspoken opponent of the Bank of the United States and the e
xtension of slavery as well as a strong supporter of westward expansion.
Born in Hillsboro (now Hillsborough), North Carolina, US, Benton moved to Tennessee and was admitted to the bar 1806. During the War of 1812, he served as General Andrew Jackson's aide-de-camp, eventually rising to the rank of colonel.
Moving to St Louis 1815, he opened a law practice and published the Missouri Inquirer 1818–20.

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Benton značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / bentən /

1. Borough in Pennsylvania (USA); zip code 17814.
2. City in Arkansas (USA); zip code 72015.
3. City in Illinois (USA); zip code 62812.
4. City in Iowa (USA); zip
code 50835.
5. City in Kansas (USA); zip code 67017.
6. City in Kentucky (USA); zip code 42025.
7. City in Missouri (USA); zip code 63736.
8. Town in Alabama (USA); zip code 36785.
9. Town in Louisiana (USA); zip code 71006.
10. Town in Tennessee (USA); zip code 37307.
11. Village in Wisconsin (USA); zip code 53803.

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Benton · Old Bullion · Thomas Hart Benton

Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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