Antarctica značenje | engleski leksikon

Antarctica značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / æntɑːrktɪkə /

Body of land around the South Pole; a plateau covered by a great ice cap and mountain peaks area about 5,500,000 square miles (14,300,000 square kilometers), divided into West Antarctica (including Antarctic Peninsula) and East Antarctica by Transantarctic Mountains.
An extremely cold continent at the south pole almost entirely below the Antarctic Circle; covered by an ice cap up to 13,000 feet deep; Also called: Antarctic continent.
Continent surrounding the South Pole, arbitrarily defined as the region lying S of the Antarctic Circle. Occupying 10% of the world's surface, Antarctica contains 90% of the world's ice and 70% of its fresh water.
area 13,900,000 sq km/5,400,000 sq mi.
features Mount Erebus on Ross Island is the world’s southernmost active volcano; the Ross Ice Shelf is formed by several glaciers coalescing in the Ross Sea.
physical formed of two blocs of rock with an area of about 8 million sq km/3 million sq mi, Antarctica is covered by a cap of ice that flows slowly toward its 22,400 km/14,000 mi coastline, reaching the sea in high ice cliffs. The most southe
rly shores are near the 78th parallel in the Ross and Weddell seas. E Antarctica is a massive bloc of ancient rocks that surface in the Transantarctic Mountains of Victoria Land.
Separated by a deep channel, W Antarctica is characterized by the mountainous regions of Graham Land, the Antarctic Peninsula, Palmer Land, and Ellsworth Land; the highest peak is Vinson Massif (5,139 m/16,866 ft).
Little more than 1% of the land is ice-free. With an estimated volume of 24 million cu m/5.9 million cu mi, the ice-cap has a mean thickness of 1,880 m/6,170 ft and in places reaches depths of 5,000 m/16,000 ft or more. Each annual layer of snow preserves a record of global conditions, and where no melting at the surface of the bedrock has occurred the ice can be a million years old.
climate winds are strong and temperatures are cold, particularly in the interior where temperatures can drop to -70şC/-100şF and below. Precipitation is largely in the form of snow or hoar-frost rather than rain which rarely exceeds 50 mm/2 in per year (less than the Sahara Desert). Average temperature on the Antarctic Peninsula has risen by 1.5şC since monitoring started in the 1950s.
flora and fauna the Antarctic ecosystem is characterized by large numbers of relatively few species of higher plants and animals, and a short food chain from tiny marine plants to whales, seals, penguins, and other sea birds.
Only two species of vascular plant are known, but there are about 60 species of moss, 100 species of lichen, and 400 species of algae.
products cod, Antarctic icefish, and krill are fished in Antarctic waters. Whaling, which began in the early 20th century, ceased during the 1960s as a result of overfishing, although Norway and Iceland defied the ban 1992 to recommence whaling. Petroleum, coal, and minerals such as palladium and platinum exist, but their exploitation is prevented by a 50-year ban on commercial mining agreed by 39 nations 1991.
Population no permanent residents; settlement limited to scientific research stations with maximum population of 2,000 to 3,000 during the summer months. Sectors of Antarctica are claimed by Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, the UK, Norway, and New Zealand.

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