stuff značenje | engleski leksikon

stuff značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / stəf /

stuff je nebrojiva imenica


ETYM Old Fren. estoffe, French étoffe; of uncertain origin, perhaps of Teutonic origin and akin to Eng. stop, v.t Related to Stuff.
1. Uns
pecified qualities required to do or be something.
2. Information in some unspecified form.
3. Informal terms for personal possessions; SYN. clobber.
4. A critically important or characteristic component.
5. Senseless talk; SYN. stuff and nonsense, hooey, poppycock.

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clobber · hooey · material · poppycock · stuff and nonsense
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stuff značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / stəf /

1. To fill completely
2. To fill with a stuffing while cooking
3. To obstruct, as of a passage; SYN. lug, choke up, block.
4. To treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting

binge · block · choke up · englut · engorge · farce · glut · gorge · gormandise · gormandize · gourmandize · ingurgitate · lug · overeat · overgorge · overindulge · pig out · satiate · scarf ou · shove · squeeze · thrust + prikaži više
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Reč dana 15.02.2025.

imenica, hemija
muški rod, geografija
imenica, geografija
muški rod, hemija