Squarely and sharply; directly
Množina: smacks
Slang term for heroin, an addictive depressant drug.
Množina: smacks
1. A sharp slap or blow; SYN. hit, slap.
2. The act of hitting something; SYN. smacking, slap.
3. An enthusiastic kiss; SYN. smooch.
Množina: smacks
A sailing ship (as a sloop or cutter) used chiefly in coasting and fishing
A sailing ship (usually rigged like a sloop or cutter) used in fishing and sailing along the coast.
1. To deliver a hard blow to; SYN. thwack.
2. To deliver a smack to
3. To eat noisily by smacking one's lips.
4. To have a distinctive or characteristic taste; SYN. taste.
5. To have an element suggestive (of something); SYN. reek.
6. To kiss lightly; SYN. peck.