(1832-1893) French republican politician, mayor of Paris during the siege of 1870–71. As a member of the republican governments of 1879–85 (prime minister 1880–81 and 1883–85), he was responsible for the 1882 law making primary education free, compulsory, and secular. He directed French colonial expansion in Tunisia 1881 and Indochina (the acquisition of Tonkin in 1885).
Množina: ferries
ETYM Old Eng. feri; akin to Icel. ferja, Swed. färja, Dan. faerge, German fähre. Related to Ferry.
(Homonym: fairy).
1. A boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule; SYN. ferryboat.
2. Transport by boat or aircraft; SYN. ferrying.
Unincorporated community in Alaska (USA).
1. To transport by ferry.
2. To transport from one place to another.
3. To travel by ferry.