charcoal značenje | engleski prevodilac

charcoal značenje | engleski prevodilac


IPA: / tʃɑːkoʊl /

Very dark gray; SYN. charcoal-gray, charcoal-grey.

achromatic · charcoal-gray · charcoal-grey
charcoal značenje | engleski prevodilac


IPA: / tʃɑːkoʊl /

Množina: charcoals


1. A carbonaceous material obtained by burning wood or other organic matter in the absence of air; SYN. wood coal.
2. A drawing made with charcoal.
3. A stick of black carbon material used for drawing; SYN. fusain.
4. A very dark gray color; SYN. charcoal gray, charcoal grey, oxford gray, oxford grey.
Black, porous form of carbon, produced by heating wood or other organic materials in the absence of air. It is used as a fuel in the smelting of metals
such as copper and zinc, and by artists for making black line drawings. Activated charcoal has been powdered and dried so that it presents a much increased surface area for adsorption; it is used for filtering and purifying liquids and gases—for example, in drinking-water filters and gas masks.
Charcoal was traditionally produced by burning dried wood in a kiln, a process lasting several days. The kiln was either a simple hole in the ground, or an earth-covered mound. Today kilns are of brick or iron, both of which allow the waste gases to be collected and used. Charcoal had many uses in earlier centuries. Because of the high temperature at which it burns (2,012şF/1,100şC), it was used in furnaces and blast furnaces before the development of coke. It was also used in an industrial process for obtaining ethanoic acid (acetic acid), in producing wood tar and wood pitch, and (when produced from alder or willow trees) as a component of gunpowder.
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charcoal značenje | engleski prevodilac


IPA: / tʃɑːkoʊl /

To draw, trace, or represent with charcoal.

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srpski · nemački · francuski

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