Livonia značenje | engleski leksikon

Livonia značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / lɪvoʊnjə /

1. A region on the Baltic that is divided between northern Estonia and southern Latvia.
2. City in Michigan (USA).
3. Town in Indiana (USA).
4. Town in Louisiana (USA); zip code 70755.
5. Village in Missouri (
USA); zip code 63551.
6. Village in New York (USA); zip code 14487.
Former region in Europe on the E coast of the Baltic Sea comprising most of present-day Latvia and Estonia. Conquered and converted to Christianity in the early 13th century by the Livonian Knights, a crusading order, Livonia was independent until 1583, when it was divided between Poland and Sweden. In 1710 it was occupied by Russia, and in 1721 was ceded to Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia.

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Reč dana 27.07.2024.

imenica, matematika
ženski rod, mitologija
imenica, geografija
muški rod, mineral