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quotation marks


Or quotes or inverted commas; Punctuation marks (“ ”) used in pairs to mark off dialogue or quoted matter in a text.
In the US double quotes are commonly used, and single quotes within double; in the UK normal practice is the other way round. In some languages quotation marks are omitted around dialogue.
Punctuation marks fall inside the inverted commas when a whole sentence is quoted or when they are part of the quoted passage. “Amusement”, sa
id English poet Alexander Pope, “is the happiness of those who cannot think.” However, unless there is a need to stress that Pope did not put a comma after “amusement”, common practice is now to write: “Amusement,” said Alexander Pope ... When the main sentence begins outside the quotes, the full stop should also be outside: Pope called amusement “the happiness of those who cannot think”. Quotation marks are used for spoken words but generally not for unspoken ones: “Take your time,” he said. Hurry up! he thought to himself. Quotation marks are also used around the title of a short work such as a poem or story; full-length works are normally in italics. The names of houses, restaurants, and so on do not take quotes. Quotation marks may be used to indicate that the writer is using the word in an unusual, often ironic, way: He is one of these “modern” young men—appalling manners and terrifying appearance. + prikaži više



1. Quotation.
2. Quotation mark — often used orally to indicate the beginning of a direct quotation.

Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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