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integrisani softver

muški rodračunari

Zbirka programa napravljenih tako da rade jedan sa drugim, deleći zajedničke datoteke. Većina integrisanih softverskih paketa sadrži program za obradu teksta, program za tabelarne proračune, program za rad sa bazama podataka i komunikacioni program, sve spakovano u jednu celinu.

integrated software


A program that combines several applications, such as word processing, database management, and spreadsheets, in a single package. Such software is “integrated” in two ways: it can transfer data from one of its applications to another, helping users coordinate tasks and merge information created with the different software tools; and it provides the user with a consistent interface for choosing commands, managing files, and otherwise interacting with the programs so that the user will not have to master several, often very different, programs. The applications in an integrated software package are often not, however, designed to offer as much capability as single applications, nor does integrated software necessarily include all the applications needed in a particular environment. + prikaži više

Reč dana 27.07.2024.

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