Schizophrenie prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Schizophrenie | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodmedicina

eine Geisteskrankheit unbekannter Ursache mit völligem Auseinanderfallen der inneren seel. Zusammenhänge von Wollen, Fühlen u. Denken u. mit Ich-Störungen (Entfremdung des eigenen Ichs, Bewußtseins-, Persönlichkeitsspaltung).
Spaltungsirresein, eine endogene Psychose.
Die meist schubweise auftretende S. beginnt überwiegend im jungen Erwachsenenalter, die Ursachen sind ungeklärt, wobei allerdings eine ererbte Bereitschaft zur Erkrankung beobachtet wird. Die Symptome sind individuell sehr verschieden und reichen von Ich-Störungen (Empfindung von Fremdmanipulation) über Halluzinationen (Hören nicht vorhandener Stimmen) bis zu Verfolgungswahn. Die Patienten durchleiden oft schwere Angstzustände und fallen durch unruhiges und/oder aggressives Verhalten auf. Behandlung: antipsychot. Medikamente, Gesprächstherapie u.a.

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Bewusstseinsspaltung · Spaltungsirresein
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Mental disorder, a psychosis of unknown origin, which can lead to profound changes in personality, behavior, and perception, including delusions and hallucinations. It is more common in males and the early-onset form is more severe than when the illness develops in later life. Modern treatment approaches include drugs, family therapy, stress reduction, and rehabilitation.
Schizophrenia implies a severe divorce from
reality in the patient's thinking. Although the causes are poorly understood, it is now recognized as an organic disease, associated with structural anomalies in the brain. Canadian researchers 1995 identified a protein in the brain, PSA-NCAM, that plays a part in filtering sensory information. The protein is significantly reduced in the brains of schizophrenics, supporting the idea that schizophrenia occurs when the brain is overwhelmed by sensory information.
There is some evidence that early trauma, either in the womb or during delivery, may play a part in causation. There is also a genetic contribution.
Any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact; SYN. schizophrenic disorder, schizophrenic psychosis, dementia praecox.
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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ženski rod, gramatika
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