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St Lucia | englesko - srpski rečnik

St Lucia


Country in the West Indies, in the E Caribbean Sea, one of the Windward Islands.
The constitution dates from independence 1979. The governor-general is the formal head of state, representing the British monarch. The governor-general appoints a prime minister and cabinet, drawn from and responsible to the assembly.
There is a two-chamber parliament comprising the Senate, of 11 appointed members, and the House of Assembly, of 17 members, elected from single-member constituencies by universal suffrage. Six senators are appointed by the governor-general on the advice of the prime minister, three on the advice of the leader of the opposition, and two after wider consultation. Parliament has a life of up to five years.
The original inhabitants were C
arib Indians. Columbus arrived 1502. The island was settled by the French 1635, who introduced slavery, and ceded to Britain 1803. It became a crown colony 1814.
St Lucia was a colony within the Windward Islands federal system until 1960, and acquired internal self-government 1967 as a West Indies associated state. The leader of the United Workers' Party (UWP), John Compton, became prime minister. In 1975 the associated states agreed to seek independence separately, and in Feb 1979, after prolonged negotiations, St Lucia achieved full independence within the Commonwealth, with Compton as prime minister.
The St Lucia Labour Party (SLP) came to power 1979 led by Allan Louisy, but a split developed within the party, and in 1981 Louisy was forced to resign, being replaced by the attorney general, Winston Cenac.
Soon afterwards George Odlum, who had been Louisy's deputy, left with two other SLP members to form a new party, the Progressive Labour Party. During the next year the Cenac government had to fight off calls for a change of government that culminated in a general strike. Cenac eventually resigned, and in the 1982 general election the UWP won a decisive victory, enabling John Compton to return as prime minister. In the 1987 general election, Compton's UWP was only narrowly returned by a 9:8 majority over the SLP, but it went on to win its fourth consecutive victory in the 1992 general election.
In Sept 1991 representatives of Dominica, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Grenada proposed federal integration of the Windward Islands.

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