aurochs prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

aurochs | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM German auerochs, Old High Germ. űrohso; űr (cf. AS. űr) + ohso ox, German ochs. Related to Owre, Ox.
(plural aurochs) Extinct species of long-horned wild cattle Bos primigenius that fo
rmerly roamed Europe, SW Asia, and N Africa. It survived in Poland until 1627. Black to reddish or gray, it was up to 1.8 m/6 ft at the shoulder. It is depicted in many cave paintings, and is considered the ancestor of domestic cattle.
Large recently extinct long-horned European wild ox; considered one of the ancestors of domestic cattle; SYN. urus, Bos primigenius.
Extinct wild ox.

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Bison bonasus · Bos primigenius · urus · wisent
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