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imenicaarhaično, zastarelo

Trust, confidence



ETYM Old Eng. bileafe, bileve; cf. AS. geleáfa. Related to Believe.
1. A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof; SYN. dogma, tenet.
2. Any cognitive content held as true.
Assent to the truth of propositions, statements, or facts. In philosophy, belief that something is the case is contrasted with know
ledge, because we only say we believe that something is the case when we are unjustified in claiming to know that it is.
Although they undoubtedly affect behavior, beliefs cannot be analyzed solely in behavioral terms, since a person can believe that he or she is unselfish and yet still be very selfish. French philosopher René Descartes held that the assent to the truth of a proposition is a matter of will, whereas the Scot David Hume held that it is an emotional condition.
In religion, belief is based on acceptance of the reported existence, acts, and teachings of religious figures, not witnessed first-hand but passed down the generations in written form and ritual.
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feeling · impression · notion · opinion



ETYM Latin confidentia firm trust in, self-confidence: cf. French confidence.
1. A feeling of trust (in someone or something).
2. A secret that is confided or entrusted to another.
3. A state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable.
4. A trustful relationship; SYN. trust.

assurance · authority · self-assurance · self-confidence · sureness · trust + prikaži više





ETYM Late Lat. credentia, from Latin credens, -entis, p. pr. of credere to trust, believe: cf. Old Fren. credence. Related to Creed, Credent, Creance.
The mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true; SYN. acceptance.
Small table for holding sacred vessels.
Belief; Ecclesiastical, small table or sideboard for sacred vessels.
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acceptance · credenza



ETYM French crédit (cf. Italian credito), Latin creditum loan, prop. neut. of creditus, p. p. of credere to trust, loan, believe. Related to Creed.
In education, a system of evaluating courses so that a partial qualification or unit from one institution is accepted by another on transfer to complete a course. At US universities and colleges, the t
erm also refers to the number of units given upon successful completion of a course.
Credit transferability is common in higher education in the US, and is just beginning to be developed between institutions in the UK.1. An accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items; SYN. credit entry.
2. An entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work.
3. Arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services; SYN. deferred payment.
4. Educational recognition that a course of studies has been successfully completed; SYN. course credit.
5. Money available for a client to borrow.
6. Used in the phrase to indicate an achievement deserving praise.
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acknowledgment · citation · cite · course credit · credit entry · deferred payment · mention · quotation · recognition · reference + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. credo, crede, AS. creda, from Latin credo I believe, at the beginning of the Apostles' creed, from credere to believe; akin to OIr. cretim I believe, and Skr. çraddadhâmi; çrat trust + dhâ to put. Related to Do, Credo, Grant.
Any system of principles or beliefs; SYN. credo.
In general, any system of belief; in the Christian church the verbal confessions of faith expressing the accepted doctrines of the church. The different forms are the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Cr
eed. The only creed recognized by the Orthodox Church is the Nicene Creed.
The oldest is the Apostles’ Creed, which, though not the work of the apostles, was probably first formulated in the 2nd century. The full version of the Apostles’ Creed, as now used, first appeared about 750. The use of creeds as a mode of combating heresy was established by the appearance of the Nicene Creed, introduced by the Council of Nicaea 325 when Arianism was widespread, and giving the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity. The Nicene Creed used today is substantially the same as the version adopted at the church council in Constantinople 381, with a filioque clause added during the 5th and 8th centuries in the Western church. The Athanasian Creed is thought to be later in origin than the time of Athanasius (died 373), although it represents his views in a detailed exposition of the doctrines of the Trinity and the incarnation. Some authorities suppose it to have been composed in the 8th or 9th century but others place it as early as the 4th or 5th century.
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church doctrine · credo · gospel · religious doctrine



ETYM French dévotion, Latin devotio.
1. Feelings of ardent love; SYN. devotedness.
2. Commitment to some purpose.
3. (Usually plural) Religious observance or prayers (usually spoken silently).



ETYM Old Eng. feith, fayth, fay, Old Fren. feid, feit, fei, French foi, from Latin fides.
1. Complete confidence in a person or plan etc; SYN. trust.
2. Loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person.
In religion, trust and belief in God’s provision; the “assurance of things hoped for, the conviction o
f things not seen” (St Paul). It can also mean a particular religion or set of beliefs.
The idea of faithfulness, in the sense of commitment or steadfastness, can be applied to both human beings and God. Faith includes moral or liturgical obedience, although in Christianity the Protestant reformers made a sharp distinction between faith (belief in Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation) and works (practical actions), which they taught did not bring salvation. In Hinduism, faith is defined as dependence on God in devotion. In Buddhism, faith is one of the five cardinal virtues, and is an essential part of the search for enlightenment.
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organized religion · religion · religious belief · trust



ETYM French, from Latin religio; cf. religens pious, revering the gods, Greek alegein to heed, have a care. Related to Neglect.
1. A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny; SYN. faith, religious belief.
2. Institution to express belief in a divine power; SYN. faith.
Code of belief or philosophy that often involves the worship of a God or gods. Belief in a supernatural power is not essential (absent in, for example, Buddhism and Confucianism), but faithful adherence is usually considered to be rewarded; for example, by escape from human existence (Buddhism), by a future existence (Christianity, Islam), or by worldly benefit (Soka Gakkai Buddhism). Among the chief religions are.
Ancient and pantheist religions of Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt, Greece,
and Rome.
Oriental Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Parseeism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto.
“religions of a book” Judaism, Christianity (the principal divisions are Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant), and Islam (the principal divisions are Sunni and Shiite).
Combined derivation these include Bahaism, the Unification Church, and Mormonism.
Comparative religion studies the various faiths impartially, but often with the hope of finding common ground, to solve the practical problems of competing claims of unique truth or inspiration. The earliest known attempt at a philosophy of religious beliefs is contained in fragments written by Xenophanes in Greece 6th century BC, and later Herodotus and Aristotle contributed to the study. In 17th-century China, Jesuit theologians conducted comparative studies. Towards the end of the 18th century, English missionary schools in Calcutta compared the Bible with sacred Indian texts. The work of Charles Darwin in natural history and the growth of anthropology stimulated fresh investigation of religious beliefs; work by the Sanskrit scholar Max Müller (1823–1900), the Scottish anthropologist James Frazer, the German sociologist Max Weber, and the Romanian scholar Mircea Eliade has formed the basis for modern comparative religion.
Other related studies are the psychology of religion, which examines human states of mind under religious influence, for example, ecstasy, diabolic possession, and faith healing, and the possible causal factors of; and the philosophy of religion, which coincides to a large extent with natural theology.
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faith · organized religion · religious belief


imenicaarhaično, zastarelo

ETYM A variant of truth. Related to Truth.
1. Belief; faith; fidelity.
2. Truth; verity; veracity.
3. Betrothal.

betrothal · engagement · plight



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