lok-aut prevod sa srpskog na engleski online

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muški rod

Isključenje, kada poslodavci, da bi suzbili štrajk i nagnali radnike ili samo jednu grupu radnika iz jednog ili više preduzeća; supr. štrajk. (eng.)

Prevedi lok-aut na:




1. A management action resisting employee's demands; employees are barred from entering the workplace until they agree to terms.
2. Industrial action taken by employers whereby
they prevent workers coming to work. For example, they may lock out existing workers who have taken strike action but carry on producing by employing other workers.
3. A lockout is someone who looks out for someone or something that is dangerous or important
4. When a business locks out workers in order to prohibit them from working, it is a lockout.
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja