krpež prevod sa srpskog na engleski online

krpež | srpsko - engleski rečnik


muški rod
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nemački · francuski



1. A quilt made by sew patches of different materials together; SYN. patchwork quilt.
2. A theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas; SYN. hodgepodge, jumble.
3. Pieces
of different materials sewn together in a pattern.
Textile technique used mainly for quilts and bedcovers. Small pieces of fabric, often offcuts, in varying colors and patterns are sewn together by the edges, usually in a geometric pattern, to form one large piece of material. Patchwork fabrics were popular for dresses in the 1960s. The technique is of peasant origin, a way of recycling old fabrics.
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krpež | srpsko - engleski rečnik


muški rodračunari

1. Privremeno, loše napravljeno, rešenje koje ipak radi i rešava problem.
2. Loše hardversko rešenje.

Prevedi krpež na:

nemački · francuski



A short-term, inelegant repair, especially in computer programming.
1. A short-term or makeshift hardware construction.
2. A progr
am characterized by a lack of design or forethought, as if written in a hurry to satisfy an immediate need. A kludge basically operates properly, but its construction or design is severely lacking in elegance or logical efficiency. See also braindamaged, hack1 (definition 1), spaghetti code. + prikaži više

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja