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muški rod

Dete evropskih roditelja rođena u bivšim francuskim, španskim i portugalskim kolonijama Amerike, Afrike i Istočne Indije.



ETYM French créole, Spanish criollo, from an Afro-American word, perh. a corruption of a Spanish criadillo, dim. of criado servant, formerly also, child, from Latin creatus, p. p. of creare to create. Related to Create.
1. A person descended from French ancestors in southern US especially Louisiana.
2. A person of European descent born in the W
est Indies or Spanish America.
A mother tongue that originates from contact between two languages.
Person born in tropical region of European descent, especially descendant of early French or Spanish settlers; person of mixed ancestry; W Indian language or native.
In the West Indies and Spanish America, originally someone of European descent born in the New World; later someone of mixed European and African descent. In Louisiana and other states on the Gulf of Mexico, it applies either to someone of French or Spanish descent or (popularly) to someone of mixed French or Spanish and African descent.
Also, a patois or dialect based on French, Dutch, or English, as spoken in the West Indies.
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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