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ženski rodanatomija

Skup dlaka na glavi čoveka. Pokriva najveći deo kože glave, sastoji se iz vrlo velikog broja dugih dlaka. Ovakva vrsta dlaka nalazi se i u bradi i brkovima. Osim toga, postoji i vrsta kratkih dlaka na koži glave, i to u obrvama i trepavicama. Inače, dlake su rožaste tvorevine sloja kože zvanog pokožica. Svaka dlaka ima dva dela: koren usađen u kožu i stabljiku koja strči iznad kože. Koren je u donjem delu proširen u glavicu sa jednim udubljenjem odozdo. U ovo udubljenje uvlači se bradavičasta tvorevina kože sa krvnim sudovima za ishranu dlake i sa živcima. Glavica predstavlja plodni deo dlake jer omogućuje rast dlake. Koren dlaka obuhvata tanak sloj pokožice zvani mešak. NJemu su pridodate obično dve lojne žlezde grozdastog oblika, čija je uloga da svojim proizvodom-lojem održava masnoću dlake i kože. Od količine izlučenog loja zavisi masnoća dlake i kože. Preterano lulčenje loja izaziva stanje zvano seboreja, što može imati za posledicu promene u koži praćene pojavom proređivanja kose i ćelavošću.

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nemački · francuski



(French) head of hair.nebulous part of a comet



ETYM Old Eng. her, heer, haer, as. haer; akin to OFries. hęr, Dutch and German haar, Old High Germ. and Icel. hâr, Dan. haar, Swed. har; cf. Lith. kasa.
Threadlike structure growing from mammalian skin. Each hair grows from a pit-shaped follicle of the outer skin layer (epidermal cells).
Hair consists of dead cells impregnated with the
protein keratin.
The number of hairs on a human head varies from between 98,000 (red-heads) to 120,000 (blondes). Each grows at the rate of 0.2–0.4 in/5–10 mm per month, lengthening for about three years before being replaced by a new one. A coat of hair helps to insulate mammals by trapping air next to the body. It also aids in camouflage, and its coloring or erection may be used for communication.
(Homonym: hare).
1. A filamentous projection or process on an organism.
2. Any of the cylindrical filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal and covering the body or parts of it.
3. Filamentous hairlike growth on a plant; SYN. fuzz, tomentum.
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fuzz · hair's-breadth · haircloth · hairsbreadth · pilus · tomentum · whiske + prikaži više
kosa | srpsko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Kriva linija u geometriji.

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nemački · francuski




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ženski rodagrar

Poljoprivredna alatka za košenje trave. Kosačko oruđe.

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nemački · francuski



ETYM Old Eng. sithe, as. sîthe, sigthe; akin to Icel. sigthr a sickle, lg. segd, seged, seed, seid, Old High Germ. segansa sickle, scythe, German sense scythe, and to Eng. saw a cutting instrument. Related to Saw.
An implement for cutting grass; has a long handle that must be held with both hands and a curved blade that moves parallel to the
Harvesting tool with long wooden handle and sharp, curving blade.
It is similar to a sickle. The scythe was in common use in the Middle East and Europe from the dawn of agriculture until the early 20th century, by which time it had generally been replaced by machinery.
Until the beginning of the 19th century, the scythe was used in the hayfield for cutting grass, but thereafter was applied to cereal crops as well, because it was capable of a faster work rate than the sickle. One person could mow 0.4 hectares/1 acre of wheat in a day with a scythe. Next came a team of workers to gather and bind the crop into sheaves and stand them in groups, or stooks, across the field.
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja