Keš prevod sa srpskog na engleski online

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muški rodfinansije

1. Gotov novac, novac u gotovom;
2. Plaćanje u gotovu (eng.)

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nemački · francuski



ETYM French caisse case, box, cash box, cash. Related to Case a box.
(Homonym: cache).
1. Money in the form of bills or coins.
2. Prompt payment for goods or services in currency or by check; SYN. immediate payment.

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keš | srpsko - engleski rečnik


muški rodračunari

1. Vrsta memorije, veoma ograničenog kapaciteta ali veoma brzog pristupa, služi za ubrzavanje rada procesora koji u njoj smešta međurezultate izvršavanje instrukcija.
2. Mesto u memoriji na koje računar privremeno smešta podatke. Često se zove i RAM keš.
3. Softverski program koji smanjuje vreme pristupa jedinicama diska.
4. Čip ili kontroler u samom mikroprocesoru koji povećava brzinu rada.

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nemački · francuski



ETYM French, a hiding place, from cacher to conceal, to hide.
(Computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated; used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics; SYN. memory cache.
A special memory subsystem in which frequently used data values are duplicated for quick access. A memory cache stores the contents of frequently accessed RAM locations
and the addresses where these data items are stored. When the processor references an address in memory, the cache checks to see whether it holds that address. If it does hold the address, the data is returned to the processor; if it does not, a regular memory access occurs. A cache is useful when RAM accesses are slow compared with the microprocessor speed because cache memory is always faster than main RAM memory. See also disk cache, wait state.
A temporary storage area for frequently-accessed or recently-accessed data. Having certain data stored in a cache speeds up the operation of the computer. There are two kinds of cache: internal (or memory cache) and external (or disk cache). Internal cache is built into the processor, and external cache is on the motherboard. When an item is called for, the computer first checks the internal cache, then the external cache, and finally the slower main storage.
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Keš | srpsko - engleski rečnik


muški rodlično ime

Velika zvezda američke kantri muzike.

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nemački · francuski

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