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ETYM Old Eng. chaiere, chaere, Old Fren. chaiere, chaere, French chaire pulpit, from Latin cathedra chair, armchair, a teacher's or professor's chair, Greek cata down + hedra seat, hizein to sit, akin to Eng. sit. Related to Sit, Cathedral, chaise.
A seat for one person, with a support for th
e back.
(traditionally called chairman but more commonly called chair or chairperson today) individual who controls (chairs) a meeting. It is the responsibility of the chair to ensure that an agenda for the meeting is prepared and that the agenda is discussed. A good chair will ensure that everyone at the meeting can make relevant contributions while at the same time carrying the meeting forward so that all points on the agenda are discussed within the limited time set for the meeting. A chair of a company chairs meetings of the board of directors and is in overall charge of the company.
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A charred substance; charcoal; specifically; a combustible residue remaining after the destructive distillation of coal.



ETYM French Chariot, from char car. Related to Car.
1. A light four-wheeled horse-drawn ceremonial carriage.
2. A two-wheeled horse-drawn battle vehicle; used in war and races in ancient Egypt and Greece and Rome.
Horse-drawn carriage with two wheels, used i
n ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, for fighting, processions, and races; it is thought to have originated in Asia. Typically, the fighting chariot contained a driver and a warrior, who would fight on foot, with the chariot providing rapid mobility.
Julius Caesar and Tacitus both write of chariots being used by the British against Roman armies in the 1st century AD. The most complete remains of a chariot found in Britain were at Llyn Cerrig Bach in Anglesey, Wales, but many parts of chariots, such as axle caps and harness mounts, have been found.
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ETYM Old Eng. wain, AS. waegn.
(Homonym: wane).
Large open farm wagon.

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