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muški rod

Nagon, nasledni nagon kod životinja i ljudi koji ih nagoni da bez uticaja volje i razuma, dakle nesvesno, vrše izvesne radnje kojima je u osnovi cilj održanje jediinke (individue) i vrste. (lat.)

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ETYM Latin instinctus instigation, impulse, from instinguere to instigate: cf. French instinct. Related to Instinct.
In ethology, behavior found in all equivalent members of a given species (for example, all the males, or all the fem
ales with young) that is presumed to be genetically determined.
Examples include a male robin's tendency to attack other male robins intruding on its territory and the tendency of many female mammals to care for their offspring. Instincts differ from reflexes in that they involve very much more complex actions, and learning often plays an important part in their development.
Inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli; SYN. inherent aptitude.
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inherent aptitude

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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
ženski rod, hemija
imenica, gramatika
muški rod, hemija