ISDN prevod sa srpskog na engleski online

ISDN | srpsko - engleski rečnik


muški rodtelekomunikacije

ISDN je digitalan, za razliku od analognih telefonskih sistema. A kao sto svi znamo, digitalno jednostavno mora da bude bolje. Ipak, ISDN se sporo širio i danas ga potiskuju drugi standardi,
Potpuno digitalna tehnologija povezivanja na Internet, kojom se preko postojećih telefonskih linija omogućava prenos podataka, govora i video signala brzinom do 128 Kbps.

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Acronym for Integrated Services Digital Network. A high-speed digital communications network evolving from existing telephone services. The goal in developing ISDN was to replace the current telephone network, which requires digital-to-analog conversions, with facilities totally devoted to digital switching and transmission, yet advanced enough to replace traditionally analog forms of data, ranging from voice to computer transmissions, music, and video. ISDN is available in two forms, known as BRI (Basic Rate Interface) and PRI (Primary Rate Interface). BRI consists of two B (bearer) channels that carry data at 64 Kbps and one D (data) channel that carries control and signal information at 16 Kbps. In North America and Japan, PRI consists of 23 B channels and 1 D channel, all operating at 64 Kbps; elsewhere in the world, PRI consists of 30 B channels and 1 D channel. Computers and other devices connect to ISDN lines through simple, standardized interfaces. See also BRI, channel (definition 2), PRI.
Integrated Services Digital Network: A single communications vehicle that supports all forms of signal traffic--low and medium-speed data, audio, and video--across a standardized interface and on a single hardware platform. A communications network intended to carry digitized voice and data multiplexed into the public telephone network
Abbreviation for Integrated Services Digital Network, a telecommunications system.
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