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Besonderer Bereich des Arbeitsspeichers, der von Programmen und Betriebssystemen wie Windows zur zwischenzeitlichen Ablage von Daten benutzt wird, die dann in andere Dokumente kopiert oder verschoben werden sollen (auch Clipboard genannt).

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In computing, a temporary file or memory area where data can be stored before being copied into an application file. It is used, for example, in cut-and-paste operations.
1. A special memory resource maintained by windowing operating systems. The clip
board stores a copy of the last information that was copied or cut. A paste operation passes data from the clipboard to the current program. A clipboard allows information to be transferred from one program to another, provided the second program can read data generated by the first. Data copied using the clipboard is static and will not reflect later changes. See also cut and paste, DDE. Compare scrap.
2. A computer that uses a pen as the primary input device. See also clipboard computer, pen computer.
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