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ETYM Old Eng. bothe; cf. Icel. bűth, Dan. and Swed. bod, Mid. High Germ. buode, German bude, baude; from the same root as AS. bűan to dwell, Eng. boor, bower, be.
1. A small shop at a fair; for selling goods or entertainment.
2. A table (in a restaurant or bar) surrounded by two high-backed benches.
3. Small area set off by walls for special use; SYN. cubicle, stall, kiosk.
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ETYM Old Fren. celle, from Latin cella; akin to celare to hide, and Eng. hell, helm, conceal. Related to Hall.
In biology, a discrete, membrane-bound portion of living matter, the smallest unit capable of an independent existence. All living organisms consist of one or more cells, with the exception of viruses. Bacteria, protozoa, and many other microorganisms consist of single cells, whereas a human is made up of billi
ons of cells. Essential features of a cell are the membrane, which encloses it and restricts the flow of substances in and out; the jellylike material within, the cytoplasm; the ribosomes, which carry out protein synthesis; and the DNA, which forms the hereditary material.
(Homonym: cell).
1. A room where a prisoner is kept; SYN. jail cell, prison cell.
2. Small room is which a monk or nun lives; SYN. cubicle.
3. Any small compartment.
4. The basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; cells may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals.
5. A device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction; SYN. electric cell.
6. A small unit serving as the nucleus of a larger political movement; SYN. cadre.
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ETYM Latin cubiculum.
A loding room; esp., a sleeping place partitioned off from a large dormitory.

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