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London 25.1.1882, +bei Lewes (Sussex) 28.3.1941 (Selbstmord), engl. Schriftstellerin; v.a. vom inneren Monolog der Figuren geprägte handlungsarme Romans wie 'Eine Frau von fünfzig Jahren' (1924), 'Die Fahrt zum Leuchtturm' (1927), 'Die Jahre' (1937).
Virginia, 1882, 1941 (Selbstmord), engl. Schriftst.; Tochter von L. Stephen; suchte mit Symboltechnik u. poetisierender Sprache Bewußtseinsspiegelungen festzuhalten.
Werke: »Mrs. Dalloway«, »Die Fahrt zum Leuchtturm«, »Orlando«, »Die Jahre« u. a.

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ženski rodlično ime

(born Virginia Stephen) (1882-1941) English novelist and critic. In novels such as Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse 1927, and The Waves 1931, she used a “stream of consciousness” technique to render inner experience. In A Room of One’s Own 1929, Orlando 1928, and The Years 1937, she examines the importance of economic independence for women and other feminist principles.
Her first novel, The Voyage Out 1915, explored the tensions experienced by women who want marriage and a career. After the death of her father, she and her siblings moved to Bloomsbury, forming the nucleus of the Bloomsbury Group. She produced a succession of novels, short stories, and critical essays, which include The Common Reader 1925, 1932. She was plagued by bouts of depression and committed suicide 1941.
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