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Hauptstadt Österreichs, bereits in vorröm. Zeit Keltensiedlung, röm. Standlager 'Vindobona', im 11. Jh. Stadtrecht, seit Mitte des 12. Jh. Residenzstadt, zunächst der Babenberger, seit 1282 der Habsburger; nach Türkenbelagerung und Entsatzschlacht vor W. 1683 erfolgte ein glanzvoller Aufstieg der Stadt als Kaiserresidenz und europ. Kulturzentrum. 1858 wurde die Stadtbefestigung abgebrochen, an ihrer Stelle entstand die Ringstraße mit Pracht- und Repräsentationsgebäuden, Plätzen und großen Grünanlagen. Der Kern der Stadt ist von barocken Bauten geprägt, mittelalterliche Bauwerke finden sich nur vereinzelt, darunter der Stephansdom, die Kirche Maria am Gestade (1330/1414) und die Michaelerkirche (13./14. Jh., mit klassizist. Fassade). Barocke Sakralbauten: ehemalige Jesuitenkirche (spätgot. Bau, 1607/1610 erweitert und barockisiert), Kapuzinerkirche (1622/1632) mit der Kapuzinergruft, in der die Habsburger bestattet sind, Karlskirche (1716/1739, J.B. Fischer von Erlach), Peterskirche (1702 ff.). Profanbau

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1. City in Georgia (USA); zip code 31092.
2. City in Illinois (USA); zip code 62995.
3. City in Missouri (USA); zip code 65582.
4. City in West Virginia (USA); zip code 26105.
5. The capital and largest city of Austria; located on the Danube in northeastern Austria; was the home of Beethoven, Brahms, Hayden, Mozart, Schubert, and Strauss; Also called: Austrian capital, capital of Austria.
6. Town in Louisiana (USA).
7. Town in Maryland (USA); zip code 21869.
8. Town in South Dakota (USA); zip code 57271.
9. Town in Virginia (USA).
(German Wien) Capital of Austria, on the river Danube at the foot of
the Wiener Wald (Vienna Woods); Industries include engineering and the production of electrical goods and precision instruments.
The United Nations city (1979) houses the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Renaissance and Baroque architecture; the Hofburg (former imperial palace), which was severely damaged by fire 1992; the 18th-century royal palaces of Schönbrunn and Belvedere, with formal gardens; the Steiner House (1910) by Adolf Loos; and several notable collections of paintings. Vienna is known for its theater and opera. Sigmund Freud's home is a museum, and there is a university, built 1365.
Vienna was the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1278–1918 and the commercial center of E Europe. The old city walls were replaced by a wide street, the Ringstrasse, 1860. After much destruction in World War II the city was divided into US, British, French, and Soviet occupation zones 1945–55. Vienna is associated with J Strauss waltzes, as well as the music of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert and the development of atonal music. Also figuring in Vienna's cultural history were the Vienna Sezession group of painters and the philosophical Vienna Circle; psychoanalysis originated here.
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German name for Vienna, the capital of Austria.

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Wilhelm, 1864, 1928, dt. Physiker; arbeitete u. a. über Wärmestrahlen; Nobelpreis 1911.

Becs · Bundesland Wien · Hauptstadt von Österreich · Mozartstadt · österreichische Bundeshauptstadt
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(1864-1928) German physicist who studied radiation and established the principle, since known as Wien’s law, that the wavelength at which the radiation from an idealized radiating body is most intense is inversely proportional to the body’s absolute temperature. (That is, the hotter the body, the shorter the wavelength.) For this and other work on radiation, he was awarded the 1911 Nobel Prize for Physics. + prikaži više

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