Wetter prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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(Bergbau) Bergmänn. Ausdruck für alle im Grubenbereich unter Tage auftretenden Gasgemische.
(Meteorologie) D
as Zusammenspiel der meteorolog. Elemente (Temperatur, Niederschläge, Wind, Strahlung u. a.) in begrenztem atmosphär. Raum zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt. Ursachen des W.geschehens sind die Verlagerung von Tief- u. Hochdruckgebieten.

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Klima · Wetterlage · Witterung
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ETYM Old Eng. weder, AS. weder.
(Homonym: wether, whether).
The meteorological conditions: temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation; SYN. weather condition, atmospheric condition.
Day-to-day variation of climatic and atmospheric conditions at any one place, or the state of these conditions at a place at any one time. Such conditions include humidity, precipitation, temperature, cloud cover, visibility, and wind. To a meteorologist the term
weather” is limited to the state of the sky, precipitation, and visibility as affected by fog or mist. A region’s climate is derived from the average weather conditions over a long period of time. See also meteorology.
Weather forecasts, in which the likely weather is predicted for a particular area, based on meteorological readings, may be short-range (covering a period of one or two days), medium-range (five to seven days), or long-range (a month or so). Readings from a series of scattered recording stations are collected and compiled on a weather map. Such a procedure is called synoptic forecasting. The weather map uses conventional symbols to show the state of the sky, the wind speed and direction, the kind of precipitation, and other details at each gathering station. Points of equal atmospheric pressure are joined by lines called isobars. The trends shown on such a map can be extrapolated to predict what weather is coming.
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Wetter | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgeografija

(Ruhr) (Stadt, Nordrhein-Westfalen) Stadt in NRW, nw. von Hagen, 29 000 Ew.; Maschinenbau, Stahl- u. Eisenind.
(Fluß) r. Nbfl. der Nidda, 55 km; durchfließt die Wetterau, fruchtbare Ldsch. zw. Vogelsberg u. Taunus.

Klima · Wetterlage · Witterung
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muški rodlično ime

Friedrich, 20.2.1928, dt. kath. Theologe; 1968 Bischof von Speyer, 1982 Erzbischof von München-Freising, 1985 Kardinal.

Klima · Wetterlage · Witterung
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