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ETYM French citation, Late Lat. citatio, fromL. citare to cite. Related to Cite.
1. A short note acknowledging a source of information or quo
ting a passage; SYN. credit, reference, mention, quotation.
2. A summons that commands the appearance of a party at a proceeding.
3. An official award (as for bravery or service) usually given as formal public statement; SYN. commendation.
4. Summons; quotation; enumeration.
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Citation · acknowledgment · cite · commendation · credit · mention · quotation · quote · reference + prikaži više


imenicapravo (nauka)

ETYM New Lat., from Latin sub under + poena punishment. Related to Pain.
A writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding; disobedience may be puni
shable as a contempt of court; SYN. subpoena ad testificandum.
Writ calling person to attend at court.
In law, an order requiring someone who might not otherwise come forward of his or her own volition to give evidence before a court or judicial official at a specific time and place. A witness who fails to comply with a subpoena is in contempt of court.To serve or summon with a subpoena.
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imenicapravo (nauka)

ETYM Old Eng. somouns, Old Fren. sumunse, semonse, semonce, French semonce, semondre to summon, Old Fren. p. p. semons. Related to Summon.
In law, a court order
officially delivered, requiring someone to appear in court on a certain date.
1. A writ issued by authority of law; usually compels the defendant's attendance in a civil suit; failure to appear results in a default judgment against the defendant; SYN. process.
2. An order to appear in person at a given place and time.
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imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije