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ETYM Greek lexikon (sc. biblion), neut. of lexikos of or belonging to words, from lexis a speaking, speech, a way of speaking, a single word or phrase, from legein to say, to speak. Related to Legend.
1. The words of a language and their definitions.
2. In programming, the identifiers, keywords, constants, and other elements of a language that make up its “vocabulary.” The ways in which these vocabulary elements can be put together is the syntax of the language. Compare syntax.
A vocabulary, or book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language or of a considerable number of them, with the definition of each; a dictionary; especially, a dictionary of a foreign language.
Dictionary; vocabulary of a language, individual or group.
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ETYM Late Lat. vocabularium, vocabularius: cf. French vocabulaire. Related to Vocable.
1. A language user's knowledge of words; SYN. lexicon, mental lexicon.
2. A listing of the words used in some enterprise.
3. The system of techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression (as in arts or crafts).

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ETYM as. word; akin to OFries. and os. word, Dutch woord, German wort, Icel. orth, Swed. and Dan. ord, Goth. waúrd, OPruss. wirds, Lith. vardas a name, Latin verbum a word; or perhaps to Greek retor an orator. Related to Verb.
(Homonym: whirred).
1. A unit of language that native speakers can identify.
2. A brief statement.
3. A verbal command for action.
4. A string of bits stored in computer memory.
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